E-Portfolio materials

Templates for setting up an e-portfolio

E-portfolios are increasingly becoming popular tools for effective and reflective online or blended learning-based teaching approaches. Not only do they allow students to develop and also critically reflect on their own skill level and skill set they have garnered during a course; they also allow them to develop important digital skills while doing so.

To make life easier for instructors looking for a way to implement e-portfolios into their own offerings, I have made available some materials (introductory text to explain students the whole concept, a grading rubric, links to some of the involved technology) on OSF. The catch? It’s all in German ;-)

You speak German? Then you find alles Weitere hier.

Joachim K. Rennstich
Joachim K. Rennstich
Professor International Social Work and Research Methods

My research interests include the long-term development of digital capitalism, digital literacy and innovative teaching-methodologies.